Our mission to share easy delicious food that is good for you. Coconut the superfood is our hero and we want everyone to access its potential benefits.
Who We Are
At Coconut Kitchen, we LOVE food! We believe the foods we choose should nourish our bodies, enrich our souls and delight our senses. This is why we developed our products to please both the food lover and health conscious consumer alike.
Our mission is to enliven the taste buds and bring the joy of health to all!
Why coconut? There is no other single food on the face of the earth that has such incredible potential to heal our bodies. Almost anyone can benefit from a daily dose of coconut oil. Many people we talk to have a jar of organic coconut oil in their cabinet that is virtually untouched because they aren't sure what to do with it. We felt the same way, which is why we set out to find a delicious and easy way to get our daily dose. The result turned out even better than we expected!
Why Choose Us
Our coconut butters are so delicious and flavorful that you will have a hard time believing that they can heal your body from the inside out! All our products are created without using ingredients that are likely to cause inflammation and are gluten free, dairy free, peanut free and soy free.
Each jar of coconut butter is a pureed blend that contains the health benefits of coconut oil and has a creamier feel with lots of flavor that makes all your favorite foods even more delicious.
gluten free, vegan, coconut,coconut oil, coconut butter, sugar free,healthy snack, healthy dessert, dairy free, low carb, carb free
How I fell in love with coconut.
For Angie Carl, the road to Coconut Kitchen has been a lifetime journey with many twists and turns marked by big challenges and bright awakenings.
Like so many others, I have struggled with my weight from an early age. Unlike others, I have also battled heart disease and other serious illness that are not so common for someone my age. At the end of it all, coconut oil turned out to be an important part of my journey to wellness. Here’s how it happened.
From as early as I can remember, I have had an obsession with food and, not surprisingly, I have battled with my weight because of it. As a young adult, I finally got some control over my eating and lost a bunch of weight.
When I was barely 29, I had a heart attack that I am lucky to have survived. I was just pregnant with my first child at the time (who is now almost 13) and was scared but determined to become a healthy, normal mom for my son. This is when the notion that "food is medicine" became meaningful to me. I became interested in learning about the relationship between our food and our health.
A few years later, I was shocked when I was diagnosed with a rare blood disease that would require a lifetime commitment of daily oral chemotherapy. At first, I was devastated by the news but after wallowing in self-pity for a couple months, I finally pulled myself together and resolved to be a fighter, not a victim.
This is food is medicine curiosity turned into a full blown obsession! I would spend hours researching and reading books about all different nutrition philosophies and ended up finding some nuggets of truth in each. It was during this process that I discovered the healing potential of coconut oil. The amount of information was so broad and diverse that there were entire books on the topic! I figured I didn’t have anything to lose and so I gave it a try.
The experts recommended 3 tablespoons a day, which I found difficult to swallow…literally! I had a hard time getting that much coconut oil in my diet and it became a chore…and eating should never be a chore! There had to be better alternative.
Then came the day that changed my life forever. My very best friend, neighbor and soul sister showed up at my house one morning with a huge smile and a mysterious ramekin filled with what I now know to be coconut butter. One bite and I was in love! Almost immediately I started experimenting with different ingredients with the idea of making flavors good enough that I could eat them straight off of a spoon. Before I knew it, I was selling my first jar of flavored coconut butter.
Coconut butter changed my life in more ways than one. I won’t say that it was a singular effort but it was definitely key in that it gave me so much energy, curbed my cravings and made it easier to get off of sugar yet enjoy something sweet without compromising my health. And in that way, it led me to something I didn’t even know existed: REAL HEALTH. Once I realized how satisfying real health felt and how easy it was to maintain, I wanted to share it with the world! I created Coconut Kitchen with the hope of making real health a little easier for anyone to achieve.
Be well,